Letter to the Editor:

America's fascist police state has reared its ugly head here at Cabrillo College my fellow students and faculty members....

YOU are now REQUIRED to "log-in" and/or show ID (and have your name recorded) in order to use the Internet at our Library.

This is sharp departure from when the Internet was FREE and open to anyone who wished to use it at the Library- particularily non-students and general members of the community.

The new policy sets up an ILLEGAL police state spy and surveillance grid that can track, monitor, control and restrict our use of the Internet.

This is DIRECT VIOLATION of our cherished constitutional 4th Amendment rights to privacy, since username and password accounts record the users web site viewing history, e-mail content and a whole slew of other variables that those who run the computer networks will now have access to...

Like the ILLEGAL US Dept of Homeland Security funded spy and surveillance cameras that have recently metastisized on our streetlight intersections these past 8 long years, police state spying and surveillance of Internet use has now reared its ugly head into the educational/academic domain- where it DOESN'T belong!

Free and open access to the Global Information Superhighway, known as the Internet, is the very reason why institutions such as Cabrillo College exist in the first place!

If we abrigate our responsibility to NOT participate in ILLEGAL police state spying on our campus and submit to a policy that blatantly disregards our fundamental 4th Amendment right to privacy, we might as well be living in Soviet Russia, Communist China, or God Forbid, Nazi Germany!

Do we really want to live in a tyrannical dictatorship that has knowledge of everything we do and say on the Internet? I think NOT. As well, lets NOT give them the ability to do this.

The Internet DOES NOT belong to Police State spy and surveillance agencies, it belongs to us, WE THE PEOPLE!

Contact Johanna Bowen, the Director of the Cabrillo College Library, to voice your outrage:

Contact also Renee Kilmer, Vice president of Instruction, at: AND Brian King, the president of Cabrillo College, at: to DEMAND that this new MANDATORY "log-in" policy at OUR Library be immediately rescinded- with formal apologies issued.

Contact the Cabrillo College Student Senate, sign the NO LOG-IN petition at the Student Services Center, and lets say NO to mandatory log-in's on our campus now and forever!

Lastly, DO NOT condone this new Library policy by participating, setting-up and using an account. Let us boycott the use of the Library computers until this police state assault on our freedoms and liberties are ended, permanently, and the Internet is returned back to the students, where it belongs.

Steve Jones
Cabrillo College Student (returning)
and Cabrillo College ALUMNI
